5 Common Data Management Mistakes Your New Business Shouldn’t Be Making

5 Common Data Management Mistakes Your New Business Shouldn't Be Making

Data is the lifeblood of any company, and effective data management is critical to success. However, many new businesses fall into common traps that can lead to data problems down the road.

Avoid these common data management mistakes if you’re starting a new business.

1. Not Having a Centralized Data Storage Solution

When starting, it’s easy to let everyone store data where they want. This might be on their local hard drive, in a shared folder on the company server, or in their personal Dropbox account.

However, this quickly becomes a problem when people can’t find the data they need or someone leaves the company and takes their data with them.

Instead, you should have a centralized data storage solution, such as a cloud-based storage system, that everyone in the company can access.

2. Not Backing Up Data Regularly

Storage integrity problems can still arise regardless of how well you organize your data. Hard drives can fail, files can become corrupted, and accidents can happen. That’s why it’s essential to back up your data regularly.

You can do this in several ways, such as backing up data to an external hard drive or using a cloud-based backup service. Make sure you implement regular backups for your data to avoid losing important information.

3. Relying on Manual Data Entry

If your business depends on manual data entry, you’re opening yourself up to many potential problems. Manual data entry is time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to data duplication and inconsistency.

To avoid these problems, consider using a data entry software or service to automate the process.

4. Taking a “One Size Fits All” Approach

No wonder data is such a big mess – most businesses take a “one size fits all” approach to managing it. They use the same system for everything, from customers to inventory and financial data. This might work in the short term, but it quickly becomes unmanageable as the business grows.

You need to have different systems for different types of data. For example, customer data should be managed in a CRM system, inventory data in an ERP system, and financial data in an accounting system.

This might seem like much work, but it’s the only way to keep your data organized and easy to use.

5. Having No Responsible Data Owner

New businesses often don’t have a dedicated data management team. They think they can wing it and everything will be fine. But without a responsible data owner, things can quickly get out of hand.

It’s essential to have someone responsible for managing the data. This person should be able to answer questions about the data, ensure it’s accurate, and keep it organized.

Grow Your Business with More Leads More Conversions

Now that you have a better understanding of data management, managing leads should be a breeze. Contact More Leads More Conversions to buy real-time leads interested in your product or service.

Our team works on GEO-based lead generation campaigns. It can get you the leads you need to grow your business anywhere in Log Angeles, CA, or its surrounding areas.

We also offer list management services to keep your leads well-organized and easy to use.

Get started today with a consult and see the results for yourself!