Change the way you buy leads forever! We make acquiring new leads for your business simple and hassle-free.
For over twenty years, we’ve been perfecting the art of generating qualified leads, conversions, and sales all over the US, Canada, and the world. Here you’ll learn: Who we help, What we do, our Philosophy, and Part of our Story.
We only help businesses, companies, and entrepreneurs. Most of them know how to close clients when they’re face-to-face, but they lack the structures, systems, marketing, visibility, and lead flow to get the number of prospects they need to reach their financial goals. What we do is help these businesses achieve “Conversion Paradise” – qualified leads on-demand, maximum visibility in their geographical target area or industry, happy clients and a sustainable growth model.
Our program Conversion Accelerator is designed to maximize: revenue, conversions, visibility and business happiness.
America’s #1 lead generation service to assist businesses in growing their business through consistent, scalable and qualified customer inquiries
Part 1: Made for Brokers, By Brokers To Combat Real Estate Struggles
It all started a few years ago when my mother began telling me stories of her challenges as a real estate agent. She described the constant hustle to find new clients, the rollercoaster income, and the stress of never knowing where her next sale would come from. As I researched the industry more, I realized most agents faced the same struggles using outdated tactics to generate leads. There had to be a better way.
Part 2: Founded More Leads More Conversions
That sparked the idea to create More Leads More Conversions – a service dedicated to helping real estate agents achieve consistent lead flow through proven digital marketing strategies. After half a decade of refining our systems and results, we’ve perfected the art of generating highly qualified sellers and buyers.
Part 3: Achieving Listing Paradise
Our flagship program Listing Accelerator takes agents step-by-step through implementing platforms like Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn to drive leads on-demand. We maximize visibility in their farm area while minimizing complexity, costs, rejection and stress often associated with real estate marketing. The program aims to help our clients attain what we call “Listing Paradise” so they can focus more on sales while we handle lead generation.
Part 4: Guiding Real Estate Agents to Become Rainmakers
Over the years we’ve come to categorize most agents as either “Grinders” or “Rainmakers.” Grinders are constantly hustling just to keep their business afloat, while Rainmakers utilize systems to achieve an abundant flow of qualified prospects with ease. Our mission is to guide Grinders to shift their mindsets and implement strategies to become Rainmakers. When they make this transition, everything changes – higher income, happier clients, less stress, and more free time to enjoy the lifestyle that attracted them to real estate in the first place.
The More Leads More Conversions Difference
We don’t just provide done-for-you lead gen services. Our team thoroughly trains each agent to become self-sufficient with their own lead generation machine. That way no matter what happens, they have the skills and knowledge to continue attracting ideal prospects quickly. Our decade plus of marketing experience combined with this teach-to-fish approach is how we truly help agents thrive in the new era of real estate.
Ready to speak to a specialist and build a marketing system that generates customers from scratch?
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